Every marketer worth their salt is aware of Google Ads, yet many miss Microsoft Ads (previously Bing Ads) and its unique user network. An estimated 47 million people rely entirely on the Microsoft Search Network. That’s 47 million potential consumers you’re missing out on by only using Google Ads. Furthermore, because Microsoft Ads aren’t as well-known, competition for keywords and viewers is lower. When compared to Google Ads, this means that costs are lower, and your marketing expenditures can potentially go further.

What is Microsoft Advertising? (Formerly Bing Ads)

Microsoft Ads, formerly known as Bing Ads, is Microsoft’s self-service advertising platform that enables advertisers to create campaigns and target customers across Microsoft’s Search and Audience Network. Microsoft’s search network (which includes partners such as AOL and Yahoo) accounted for 37% of all PC searches in the United States in 2019. In addition, like Google, Microsoft has made significant progress in enhancing its AI and machine learning skills with features like Automated Extensions, Dynamic Search Ads, Automated Bidding Strategies, and others.

Microsoft Advertising Strategy & Optimization

When creating ads on any platform, you should focus on the right PPC metrics to ensure that the target audience goes down the marketing funnel after arriving at your landing page. Advertising networks are constantly altering their platforms, such as Google eliminating expanded text ads and Facebook changing its brand to Meta. As a result, you must develop an ad optimization plan to build user trust in your business. With the introduction of mobile-first indexing, you must concentrate on optimizing Microsoft Ads for mobile devices. Any PPC campaign must focus on ad optimization techniques to keep the user interested in your ad. You must ensure that users select your brand the next time they enter your company’s search terms or keywords.

Microsoft Advertising Automation

Microsoft Advertising can save you time by automatically updating your advertisements based on your chosen criteria. These are known as automated rules. Although your campaign will always require some monitoring, Microsoft Advertising can perform many things for you automatically. Here are a couple of examples of how automated rules can be used:

  1. Start and end advertising for major events like Black Friday or New Year’s Day sales.
  2. Increase your budget for campaigns with a high number of clicks and conversions. Similarly, you can reduce your budget automatically for campaigns that are costing you too much, depending on their average cost per click (CPC).


Disregarding Bing in favor of Google may appear to be a good move at the time, but it may harm your business in the long run. While Bing isn’t everyone’s preferred search engine, it does have a dedicated user base, and ignoring Bing in your marketing means you’re missing out on marketing to these consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions, Answered

Bing and associated sites comprise the Microsoft Search Network. It’s where your company may reach a vast and distinct audience of millions of people that search every day. Connect with these valuable potential clients by using the advertising platform: Microsoft Advertising.

Microsoft Search Network is a part of your consumers’ life, powering the devices, apps, and websites they use every day and meeting them where they need it most.

Your advertisements could display at the top or bottom of Bing, Yahoo, and MSN search results. You can also target your adverts based on geographic regions, times of day or week, and even demographics.

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