The PPC platforms are no longer limited to search engine results. Today, you can have your ads displayed on people’s social networks, in their email, and even on YouTube. Choosing where to spend your PPC campaign money can be tricky. Do you put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to PPC ads? Perhaps one of those new native ad specialists will be able to help? We believe trying out a few PPC platforms is a good idea to discover which one works best for you. No universal template can be applied to each platform, and each pay-per-click ad network has its unique set of advantages.

Google Ads 

The most influential player in the game, and there is no denying Google Ads’ global reach. In fact, Google controls a whopping 78 percent of the global PPC ad industry. Despite predictions that their market share is declining significantly, it does not appear that Google Ads will be replaced as the largest PPC platform any time soon. Every day, 3.5 billion queries are conducted… That’s 1.2 trillion dollars per year, and it’s only growing!

Bing Ads

Being the second-largest paid search engine player isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Bing Ads is currently known as Microsoft Advertising, and it provides a similar PPC package to Google. What distinguishes Bing from the juggernaut that is Google? Bing Ads has been shown to have a lower CPC than Google. Microsoft is a wonderful place to start if you’re looking for low-cost PPC advertising networks. In the United States, its customers are also more likely to come from wealthy backgrounds. In fact, Bing Ads has a 36% market share in the United States and a 20% market share in the United Kingdom.

Facebook Ads

The first social media platform on our list, Facebook, provides a PPC ad network with excellent targeting capabilities. Because Facebook isn’t centered on search, it’s a separate beast, with targeting based on individual interests, demographics, and location data. Facebook is a popular PPC platform among SMEs, and this platform probably won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.1.62 billion people use Facebook every day! There are 2.62 billion registered active monthly Facebook users worldwide.

Twitter Ads 

Twitter is one of the most popular social media sites, making it a highly efficient PPC ad platform. In fact, many firms use Twitter to market their products, which makes sense when you look at the statistics. In the US, 48% of Twitter users go to the site to get their daily news. Twitter has a fairly respectable ad CTR of 1-3 percent, and the visibility from a trending hashtag (paid or not) can be invaluable. If Facebook has a significantly older population, Twitter has a reasonable distribution, with approximately 32% of Twitter users between the ages of 18 and 35.

LinkedIn Ads 

Linkedin, the social networking platform for professionals, has gained prominence in recent years. It’s not just for job seekers, either, with a global audience of active and educated people, including company decision-makers and C-level executives. This is your best bet if you’re looking for a PPC platform where you can attract the attention of corporate decision-makers. If you’re running account-based marketing (ABM) initiatives or simply if you want to raise brand recognition for a company service, Linkedin is a good place to start.

Instagram Ads 

Instagram Ads can be posted using Facebook Ads. However, because you don’t need a Facebook account to start running advertisements on Instagram, this massive ad platform deserves its own section. So, why should you invest in Instagram Ads? It has a greater click-through rate than any other social media site as a PPC platform. There are over a billion monthly active users, the vast majority of whom (more than 70%) are under the age of 35. Basically, if you want to reach the millennial population, this is the platform to use.


As you can see, there are a lot of choices when it comes to selecting the best PPC ad platform for your marketing needs. This is only a small sampling of the existing PPC platforms, with new ones appearing on a regular basis. However, we believe that this demonstrates that PPC ads are more than just Google. And just because they’re the biggest and best doesn’t mean they’re the best for your company.

Frequently Asked Questions, Answered

Google Ads is the most popular ad network due to the enormous number of websites on the Google Display Network (GDN) and the available reach of ads in the number of queries done in the Google search engine.

Affiliate marketing is a viable alternative to advertising on the previously listed large platforms. It may be done in a much more organic way than traditional online advertising and is an alternative to consider when establishing your PPC marketing plan.

When it comes to selecting a PPC advertising platform, you have several options. Some are intent on reaching out to consumers while they are actively looking for products or services. Others are concerned with attracting visitors and keeping them on their site. To choose which one is best for you, conduct research and identify the one that will assist you in achieving your business's objectives.

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