Building your PPC campaigns around holidays and observances can help you capitalize on momentum and create ads that resonate with your audience. This page covers major holidays celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, as well as some month-long observances that can get your creative juices flowing if you need additional inspiration.
January Holidays & Observances
January is often thought of as a month of renewal. Common PPC themes for January include New Year’s resolutions, wellness, and organization.
Month-Long Observances in January
- Financial Wellness Month
- Get Organized Month
- Live a Balanced Life Month
- International Creativity Month
New Year’s Day (International)
Fixed Holiday: January 1
New Year’s Day marks the first day of the year on the Gregorian calendar. New Year’s PPC campaigns are quite varied and can work for most businesses.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (US)
Floating Holiday: Third Monday of January
- January 15, 2024
- January 20, 2025
- January 19, 2026
- January 18, 2027
- January 17, 2028
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, often shortened to MLK Day, is held on the Monday closest to King’s birthday. It commemorates King’s efforts to end racial injustice and celebrates equality.
Get to Know Your Customers Day (International)
Floating Observance: Third Thursday of Each Quarter
B2B brands can often capitalize on “Get to Know Your Customers Day.” It’s observed on the third Thursday of each quarter, which means there’s an opportunity in January, April, July, and October.
February Holidays & Observances
February is associated with relationships of all types. Common PPC themes for February include romance, friendship, and singles awareness or self-care.
Month-Long Observances in February
- Black History Month (US)
- International Friendship Month
Groundhog Day (US, CA)
Fixed Observance: February 2
Groundhog Day derives from an old superstition that if a groundhog sees its shadow while emerging from its burrow on this day, it will retreat, and six more weeks of winter will follow. If the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it’s predicted that spring will arrive early. While there aren’t many Groundhog Day PPC campaigns, some brands get creative with it and run specials or offer free items based on whether the groundhog sees his shadow or once the result is known.
Mardi Gras/ Carnival/ Fat Tuesday (International)

Floating Holiday: 47 Days Before Easter; 1 Day Before Ash Wednesday
- February 13, 2024
- March 4, 2025
- February 17, 2026
- February 9, 2027
- February 29, 2028
Mardi Gras, also called Carnival, is celebrated annually on Fat Tuesday. The holiday has a religious basis and is observed 47 days before the Christian holiday of Easter. Because Easter fluctuates based on the spring equinox, Mardi Gras can fall anywhere between February 3 and March 9 each year.
Fat Tuesday is considered the final day to indulge in rich foods before the Christian fasting season of Lent. However, because the day often involves large celebrations with music, dancing, and food, it’s also often celebrated by non-religious groups. Most Mardi Gras PPC campaigns center on travel to large events or party supplies.
Ash Wednesday (International)
Floating Holiday: 46 Days Before Easter
- February 14, 2024
- March 5, 2025
- February 18, 2026
- February 10, 2027
- March 1, 2028
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the Christian fasting season that lasts six weeks. Most brands won’t run specialized PPC campaigns for Lent, but it’s helpful to have them on your calendar if you have a lot of Christian customers and can adapt your offerings to meet their needs. For instance, many restaurants promote their fish dishes during Lent.
Valentine’s Day/ Singles Awareness Day (International)
Fixed Holiday: February 14
Valentine’s Day is attributed to St. Valentine, a martyred priest and physician from Ancient Rome, who sent his jailor’s daughter a love letter signed “from your Valentine.” The tradition spread and became a holiday of romance and opportunity for people to send their beloved a valentine. Over time, it has expanded into sending valentines to friends and family. More recently, Singles Awareness Day has been added as a secondary observance on the same day.
Valentine’s PPC campaigns can work for most businesses. For instance, those who sell gifts and candy can mention Valentine’s Day offerings and shipping, while general brands may have a Valentine’s deal.
Washington’s Birthday/Presidents’ Day (US)
Floating Holiday: Third Monday of February
- February 19, 2024
- February 17, 2025
- February 16, 2026
- February 15, 2027
- February 21, 2028
Officially known as Washington’s Birthday, but more often recognized as Presidents’ Day, the third Monday in February is celebrated in honor of George Washington and Abram Lincoln’s birthdays. It’s sometimes also considered a celebration of all United States presidents.
PPC campaigns for President’s Day usually span the entire three-day weekend and often the week before and after. Most brands can leverage the holiday. Shoppers are looking for deals.
Family Day / Islander Day / Heritage Day / Louis Riel Day (CA)
Floating Holiday: Third Monday of February
- February 19, 2024
- February 17, 2025
- February 16, 2026
- February 15, 2027
- February 21, 2028
Whereas Americans celebrate Presidents’ Day on the third Monday of February, Canadians observe various holidays depending on the province.
- Islander Day (Prince Edward Island)
- Louis Riel Day (Manitoba)
- Heritage Day (Nova Scotia)
- Family Day (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick)
Leap Day (International)
Fixed Observance: February 29, every four years
- February 29, 2024
- February 29. 2028
- February 29, 2032
Even though a traditional calendar has 365 days, it actually takes Earth 365.24 days to orbit the sun. We add a “leap day” every four years to keep our calendar in sync with the seasons.
Although there aren’t many celebrations to commemorate the uncommon event, there are many superstitions related to it, as Time and Date reports. For instance, it was once a day when women were “allowed” to propose to men. It was sometimes referred to as “Bachelors” Day because unmarried men could be penalized for refusing a proposal. It’s sometimes considered unlucky to be born or married on the day. If you run Leap Day PPC ads, focus on the event’s novelty or how rare your special offer is because it only comes around every four years.
March Holidays & Observances
Spring kicks off in March and runs through June. Common PPC themes for March include religious holidays, gender quality, and spring cleaning.
Month-Long Observances in March
- Gender Equality Month
- International Women’s Month
International Women’s Day (International)

Fixed Observance: March 8
International Women’s Day is observed internationally every year on March 8 to bring attention to gender equality and issues like reproductive rights and violence against women. There are many ways to run PPC ads for International Women’s Day. Some businesses leverage it as an opportunity to reinforce their branding as a diverse company, while others promote products that women traditionally use or run PPC ads that celebrate women.
Mother’s Day (UK)
Floating Holiday: Fourth Sunday of Lent
- March 10, 2024
- March 25, 2025
- March 15, 2026
- March 7, 2027
- March 26, 2028
The date on which Mother’s Day is observed in the United Kingdom shifts depending on Easter and is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Traditionally, It has been a day to celebrate mothers, but it is now a day to show appreciation for mums of all types, such as stepmothers and foster mothers. Most PPC ads for Mother’s Day focus on gift-giving.
In the United States and Canada, Mother’s Day is observed on the second Sunday of May.
Ramadan (International)
Floating Holiday: Ninth Month of the Islamic Calendar
- March 10 – April 29, 2024
- March 1 – March 30, 2025
- February 18 – March 19, 2026
- February 8 – March 9, 2027
- January 28 – February 26, 2028
Ramadan is a month-long Islamic holiday dedicated to spiritual growth. People who observe it fast from sunup to sundown, and often have their evening meal with family or their community. It’s common for those who observe it to become more involved in their mosque and engage in charitable activities.
It’s held during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. Because the lunar calendar is shorter than the solar calendar that the Gregorian calendar is based on, Ramadan’s start shifts from year to year. The final day is the holiday of Eid ul-Fitr, or the “Festival of the Breaking of the Fast.”
Because Ramadan is a period of charitable giving, businesses can use PPC ads to showcase how they support the community. Coca-Cola also did an excellent job with its multi-channel “Make a Stranger, a Friend” campaign. It was a multi-channel campaign that even included influencers in the form of famous footballers from opposing teams.
St. Patrick’s Day (International)
Fixed Holiday: March 17
St. Patrick’s Day was originally a Christian holiday but is now more of a celebration of Irish culture. It’s often a day-long celebration with parades, Irish foods, music, and dancing. People often wear green for good luck or to avoid being pinched. Sometimes, municipalities incorporate green into their celebrations in unusual ways, too. For instance, the Chicago River in Illinois is dyed green.
Those who run St. Patrick’s Day PPC campaigns often focus on the luck aspect or offer a mystery “luck-based” discount.
Holi (International)
Floating Holiday: Last Full Moon Day of the Lunisolar Calendar
- March 25, 2024
- March 14, 2025
- March 3, 2026
- March 22, 2027
- March 11, 2028
Holi is the Hindu festival of colors. It marks the beginning of spring and signifies the triumph of good over evil. It also celebrates the eternal and divine love of the gods Radha and Krishna. It’s observed on the last full moon day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar, so it typically occurs around the end of February or early March. Celebrations begin at sundown and continue until sundown the following night.
While the day itself is a large celebration, many people consider it bad luck to make big decisions or changes, such as purchasing a house, getting married, or starting a business, during the eight days before Holi. Because of this, some businesses may want to shift their PPC campaigns away from purchase-oriented goals at that time.
Easter (International)
Floating Holiday: First Sunday After the Spring Equinox
- March 31, 2024
- April 20, 2025
- April 5, 2026
- March 28, 2027
- April 16, 2028
Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, though it is often observed by non-religious people today, too. Those approaching it from a religious perspective typically attend church and share a meal with family. Other traditions include decorating Easter eggs, participating in Easter egg hunts, and sharing baskets filled with treats. Easter PPC campaigns often promote discounts, especially for home goods and apparel.
Daylight Saving Time Starts (International)
Floating Observance: Second Sunday of March
- March 10, 2024
- March 9, 2025
- March 8, 2026
- March 14, 2027
- March 12, 2028
Most areas across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom observe Daylight Saving Time. “The idea is to move an hour of sunlight from the early morning to the evening so that people can make more use of daylight,” the New York Times explains.
This means people move their clocks forward one hour every March and backward one hour in November. The official start occurs at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March, when the clocks “spring forward” to 3:00 a.m.
Although it’s not a traditional holiday, many businesses run campaigns about the pains of losing an hour, such as fatigue and the uptick in accidents.
National Doctors’ Day/ National Physicians’ Day (US, CA)
Fixed Observance: March 30 & April 1
The day to honor doctors for their contributions to society varies across countries. National Doctors’ Day is held every March 30 in the United States. In Canada, National Physicians’ Day is celebrated on May 1.
April Holidays & Observances
Because religious holidays like Easter often shift because they’re based on moon phases, April can become a potpourri of events. Common PPC themes for April include religious holidays, spring, and ecology.
Month-Long Observances in April
- Celebrate Diversity Month
- International Customer Loyalty Month
April Fools’ Day (International)
Fixed Observance: April 1
While the origins of April Fools’ Day are debated, the day of hoaxes and pranks is celebrated across the globe today. Many brands, such as Google, have run hilariously good campaigns on the day. If you decide to run PPC campaigns, just be sure it’s clearly a joke and that customers don’t feel they’ve gotten the bait-and-switch.
Tax Day (US, CA)
Fixed Observance: April 15 & April 30
Taxes are due on April 15 in the United States and April 30 in Canada. The weeks and months leading up to them are obvious PPC campaign opportunities for the finance industry. However, many other industries leverage the season to run sales related to spending tax refunds or carving out time for relaxation.
Earth Day (International)
Fixed Observance: April 22
Most brands can take advantage of PPC campaigns surrounding Earth Day. For instance, brands that do things to minimize their carbon footprint or cut back on paper can use these topics to reinforce brand values. If your brand helps customers be more eco-conscious in some way, your ads can promote how partnering with your brand can help them operate in a more earth-friendly way.
Administrative Professionals Day (International)
Floating Observance: Wednesday of the Last Full Week in April
- April 24, 2024
- April 23, 2025
- April 22, 2026
- April 21, 2027
- April 26, 2028
Many countries observe Administrative Professionals Day, formerly known as Secretary’s Day. It’s a day to recognize the contributions of administrative staff members of all types across all industries. You may want to add the date to your PPC ad calendar if your company sells anything that could be used to reward or treat employees, such as food, gift baskets, and other tokens of appreciation.
May Holidays & Observances
Most May PPC themes are region-specific. For instance, the school year is wrapping up in the United States, so it’s an excellent opportunity to cover graduation, the future, and coming of age. Canadian schools don’t typically wrap up for another month, and schools in the United Kingdom don’t usually close until July. Instead, you may wish to focus more on holidays and observances.
Month-Long Observances in May
- Small Business Month
Cinco de Mayo (US, CA)
Fixed Holiday: May 5
Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for “Fifth of May.” The holiday is observed annually to celebrate Mexico’s victory over France in 1862. That naturally means it is celebrated in Mexico, particularly in Puebla, where the battle occurred. However, it has since become a celebration of the Mexican heritage immigrants brought to the United States and Canada. Block parties with mariachi and street food are common.
You may want to add Cinco de Mayo to your calendar if you serve a Mexican audience or are running PPC ads in the American southwest, a region known for partaking in celebrations regardless of nationality.
National Nurses’ Day (International)

Fixed Observance: May 12
International Nurses’ Day, a day to recognize the effort and contributions of nurses, is held each year on May 12 across the globe, while the United States also observes National Nurses’ Day on May 6. Add this to your PPC marketing calendar if your business has ties to the medical community.
Early May Bank Holiday (UK)
Floating Holiday: First Monday of May
- May 6, 2024
- May 5, 2025
- May 4, 2026
- May 3, 2027
- May 1, 2028
The Early May Bank Holiday is an annual observance in the United Kingdom. It’s an official public holiday, so most people have the day off work. Parades, festivals, and other events often commemorate the day. Businesses often run sales that correspond with the holiday.
Mother’s Day (US, CA)
Floating Holiday: Second Sunday of May
- May 12, 2024
- May 11, 2025
- May 10, 2026
- May 9, 2027
- May 14, 2028
Whereas mothers in the UK are usually honored in March, mothers in the United States and Canada receive recognition on the second Sunday in May each year.
International Day of Families (International)
Fixed Observance: May 15
The United Nations established May 15 as the day to raise awareness for families and their role in our society.
Victoria Day/ Fête de la Reine (CA)
Floating Holiday: Monday Before May 25
- May 20, 2024
- May 19, 2025
- May 18, 2026
- May 24, 2027
- May 22, 2028
Victoria Day was initially held on May 24 in honor of Queen Victoria’s birthday. Today, it’s considered a celebration of the Sovereign’s birthday in Canada and honors the standing monarch. Two in five Canadians make purchases for the holiday, according to Caddle research. People often begin shopping four or more weeks beforehand, with the greatest share of the budgets going toward things like food, alcohol, candies, and restaurants.
Memorial Day (US)
Floating Holiday: Last Monday of May
- May 27, 2024
- May 26, 2025
- May 25, 2026
- May 31, 2027
- May 29, 2028
Memorial Day is observed in honor people who have died serving in the United States Military and is often viewed as the unofficial start to summer. There are often patriotic celebrations held on Memorial Day, parades, and barbeques. Businesses often hold sales over the three-day weekend, too.
Spring Bank Holiday (UK)
Floating Holiday: Last Monday of May
- May 27, 2024
- May 26, 2025
- May 25, 2026
- May 31, 2027
- May 29, 2028
The Spring Bank Holiday is an annual observance in the United Kingdom. Most people have the day off work and often spend their time outdoors. Brands commonly run PPC campaigns around this time, offering specials.
June Holidays & Observances
Summer kicks off in June and runs through September. Common PPC themes for June include summer, travel, and diversity. Those running PPC campaigns in Canada may also want to mark the end of the school year on their calendars.
Month-Long Observances in June
- Pride Month (international)
Global Day of Parents (International)
Fixed Observance: June 1
The United Nations established June 1 as the day to raise awareness for parents and their role in our society.
Juneteenth (US)
Fixed Holiday: June 19
Even though President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, declaring more than three million enslaved people across the Confederate states free, the news took over two years to reach Galveston, Texas. When the formerly enslaved people learned of their freedom on June 19, 1865, they declared the date “Juneteenth” and celebrated with prayer, food, singing, and dancing. The tradition continues each year on the anniversary and was officially named a federal holiday in 2021.
National Indigenous Peoples Day (CA)
Fixed Holiday: June 21
National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrates the contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people and their culture. The current name reflects a shift from Aboriginal Day in 2017. Although it’s not a traditional PPC holiday, it can be an opportunity for brands to highlight diversity within their companies and the ways in which they support indigenous populations.
Father’s Day (International)
Floating Holiday: Third Sunday in June
- June 16, 2024
- June 15, 2025
- June 21, 2026
- June 20, 2027
- June 18, 2028
Father’s Day isn’t observed on different dates based on the region like Mother’s Day is. Instead, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom all observe the holiday on the third Sunday in June. Father’s Day PPC campaigns typically center around gifts.
July Holidays & Observances
July is often dedicated to summer fun. Common PPC themes for July include family time, outdoor activities, and the dog days of summer. Those running PPC campaigns in the United Kingdom may also want to mark the end of the school year on their calendars.
Month-Long Observances in July
- Social Wellness Month
- Global Enterprise Agility Month
Canada Day/ Fête du Canada (CA)

Fixed Holiday: July 1
Canada Day is July 1, though federal workers get July 2 off if July 1 falls on a Sunday. It commemorates the unification of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Providence of Canada (parts of modern-day Ontario, Quebec, and Labrador), effectively making Canada a self-governing dominion within the British Empire. It’s a day of national pride, with parades, festivals, concerts, barbeques, fireworks displays, and more. Canada Day PPC campaigns can work for most businesses offering some kind of special or sale.
Independence Day (US)
Fixed Holiday: July 4
Independence Day commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, marking America’s official separation from Great Britain. It’s a day filled with festivities such as parades, concerts, barbeques, and fireworks. Most brands can run PPC campaigns for the Fourth of July. In addition to party supplies, shoppers are eager to score deals on just about anything from cars to groceries.
International Day of Friendship (International)
Fixed Observance: July 30
The UN created the International Day of Friendship to promote peace. It’s a day civil society groups and international organizations should focus on “promoting a dialogue among civilizations, solidarity, mutual understanding, and reconciliation,” the organization explains. Because of this, brands may do better to focus on social media PPC campaigns centered on the theme.
August Holidays & Observances
The dog days of summer continue into August. Common PPC themes for August include outdoor activities and humanitarian causes. Some American schools also resume in August, so those running PPC campaigns in the United States will want this on their radar.
Month-Long Observances in August
- Family Fun Month
- Happiness Happens Month
Civic Holiday (CA)
Floating Holiday: First Monday in August
- August 5, 2024
- August 4, 2025
- August 3, 2026
- August 2, 2027
- August 7, 2028
Most of Canada celebrates the August holiday, though for many different reasons and under different names. For instance, it’s British Columbia Day in British Columbia. In Alberta, it’s Heritage Day. Some cities use different names, too.
Regardless, many have the day off and use the three-day weekend for outdoor adventures like camping or attending events to celebrate local history and culture. Most businesses can run Civic Holiday PPC ads. Those promoting things to do or supplies will want to start weeks in advance, while those running specials for the long weekend may want to consider offering their deals the week before and after.
World Humanitarian Day
Fixed Observance: August 19
World Humanitarian Day is a UN observance that brings people together to “advocate for the survival, well-being, and dignity of people affected by crises, and for the safety and security of aid workers,” the organization reports. Given the altruistic nature of the day, it’s more of a branding opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their dedication to supporting humanitarian causes or showing the audience how partnering with the business can make the world a better place. For instance, you might run PPC display ads highlighting how much of your profit goes to a specific humanitarian charity or how much you’ve raised.
Summer Bank Holiday (UK)
Floating Holiday: Last Monday in August (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland) | First Monday in August (Scotland)
- August 26, 2024 | August 5, 2024
- August 25, 2025 | August 4, 2025
- August 31, 2026 | August 3, 2026
- August 30, 2027 | August 2, 2027
- August 28, 2028 | August 7, 2028
The Summer Bank Holiday is an annual observance in the United Kingdom. Whereas those in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland observe the day on the last Monday in August, Scotland observes it on the first Monday in August. It’s an official public holiday, so most people have the day off work. There are often events like parades and festivals to commemorate the day. Most businesses that run PPC ads for the Summer Bank Holiday focus on a special deal or offer.
September Holidays & Observances
Fall (or Autumn, depending on your regional preferences) kicks off in September and runs into December. This is when everything related to pumpkin spice also makes its annual debut. Common PPC themes for September include workers’ rights and charity. Most schools across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom also resume around this time.
Month-Long Observances in September
- Self-Improvement Month
Labor Day (US) & Labour Day (CA)
Floating Holiday: First Monday in September
- September 2, 2024
- September 1, 2025
- September 7, 2026
- September 6, 2027
- September 4, 2028
Labor Day in the United States and Labour Day in Canada is a day to celebrate the achievements of workers and workers’ rights advocates. It’s considered a day of rest and often marks the unofficial end of summer. Because most people have the day off, the three-day weekend is often used for outdoor recreation, such as camping and barbeques. PPC ads for Labor Day often begin running a week before the holiday and continue a week after. Paid ads for discounted products tend to perform well.
International Day of Charity (International)
Fixed Observance: September 5
The International Day of Charity is a United Nations-designated observance dedicated to “sensitizing and mobilizing people, NGOs, and stakeholders all around the world to help others through volunteer and philanthropic activities,” the organization notes. The September 5 date was selected to commemorate the anniversary of Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s death.
As with other UN observances, this is not a holiday to base traditional PPC ads around. However, if your company donates to causes or volunteers, it may be a good opportunity to raise awareness for your causes and reinforce your brand image.
October Holidays & Observances
Fall festivities are in full swing in October. Common PPC themes for October include the harvest, Oktoberfest, and carnivals or fairs.
Month-Long Observances in October
- Emotional Wellness Month
- Global Diversity Awareness Month
World Teachers’ Day (International)
Fixed Observance: October 5
As the name suggests, World Teachers’ Day is a day to honor the societal contributions of teachers of all types. Naturally, brands that serve the educational community will do well to pair their PPC campaigns with a special deal for educators. It’s also an excellent opportunity for businesses that gift-givers might patronize.
Thanksgiving (CA)
Floating Holiday: Second Monday in October
- October 14, 2024
- October 13, 2025
- October 12, 2026
- October 11, 2027
- October 9, 2028
Canada’s Thanksgiving holiday was originally created to express gratitude for the safe arrival of explorers to the New World but continued after as an opportunity to give thanks for bountiful harvests. Canadian families typically gather for a quintessential turkey dinner in observance of the holiday. Because it’s one of the last long weekends before winter sets in, many venture outdoors for hiking and other activities.
It’s worth noting that Canadian Thanksgiving doesn’t kick off the same shopping extravaganza that American Thanksgiving does near the end of November. Therefore, PPC campaigns usually relate more to products and services that allow people to enjoy the day or special offers.
Columbus Day & Indigenous Peoples’ Day (US)
Floating Holiday: Second Monday in October
- October 14, 2024
- October 13, 2025
- October 12, 2026
- October 11, 2027
- October 9, 2028
Columbus Day commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. It’s one of the 11 official federal holidays in the United States, though it has recently come under fire due to the hardships Columbus’ arrival created for indigenous people. As such, the country is divided as to which holiday to observe, Pew Research reports.
Due to the divisive nature of the holiday, many businesses don’t run PPC ads related to any holiday at this time.
Boss’s Day (International)
Fixed Observance/ Holiday: October 16
Although not always an official holiday, Boss’s Day is observed in many countries on October 16 yearly. As the name suggests, it’s a day to show appreciation for supervisors and leaders in the workplace. PPC campaigns for Boss’s Day are usually geared toward gift-giving.
Halloween (International)
Fixed Holiday: October 31
While Halloween has religious roots, the modern-day celebration is observed by people from many backgrounds. People often dress in costumes for trick-or-treating and parties. It’s common for people to engage in Halloween activities, such as carving pumpkins, visiting haunted houses, and going on hayrides.
Halloween PPC ads typically run throughout the entire month of October. Brands offering goods and services related to the holiday will naturally promote their offerings, while others may use seasonal language in their paid ads and run special sales.
November Holidays & Observances

The holiday season kicks off in November. Common PPC themes for November remembrance and gratitude. There’s also a plethora of shopping-related holidays that officially occur near the end of the month but are often observed all month long.
Month-Long Observances in November
- Native American Heritage Month (US)
- Inspirational Role Models Month
Election Day (US)
Fixed Observance: November 5
Although Election Day isn’t a holiday, some brands tie PPC ads to voting or elections. In most cases, they’re non-partisan and simply offer a discount for those who visit an in-person location and can demonstrate they voted, or they provide a general Election Day special.
Guy Fawkes Day (UK, primarily GB)
Fixed Holiday: November 5
Guy Fawkes Day dates back to 1605 when Fawkes and a group of men attempted to blow up Parliament’s House of Lords. The aim was to assassinate King James I and gain more religious tolerance for Catholics. However, the “Gunpowder Plot” failed, and Fawkes and his men were put to death. Celebrations now occur each year on the anniversary of the failed plot. They’re typically held at night and include fireworks and bonfires, so it’s sometimes referred to as “Bonfire Night” or “Fireworks Night.”
Naturally, brands tend to focus on modern traditions by running Bonfire Night ads or Firework Night Ads. These tend to perform best as part of comprehensive campaigns that include social media.
Daylight Saving Time Ends (International)
Floating Observance: First Sunday of November
- November 3, 2024
- November 2, 2025
- November 1, 2026
- November 7, 2027
- November 5, 2028
November marks the end of Daylight Saving Time. This means people move their clocks backward one hour every November after moving them forward one hour in March. At 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday of November, clocks are moved backward to 1:00 a.m.
Although it’s not a traditional holiday, many businesses run campaigns about gaining an hour and how to put it to use.
Veterans’ Day (US) & Remembrance Day (CA, UK)
Fixed Holiday: November 11
The roots of Veterans’ Day and Remembrance Day trace back to the end of World War I, when many countries began observing Armistice Day on November 11 in honor of those who fought and to celebrate what was then thought of as “the war to end all wars.” During World War II, many countries changed the name. In the United States, for example, the holiday became Veteran’s Day in honor of all veterans. However, the holiday became Remembrance Day in Canada and the United Kingdom.
PPC campaigns centered around Veterans’ Day and Remembrance Day are often patriotic and offer deals that last throughout the week and sometimes extend into the week before and after the holiday.
Diwali (International)
Floating Holiday: 15th day of the Month of Kartika in the Hindu Calendar
- November 12, 2023
- November 1, 2024
- October 21, 2025
- November 6, 2026
- October 29, 2027
- October 17, 2028
Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists annually observe Diwali. However, the holiday shifts between September and October dates because it’s based on Hindu lunisolar months, and groups may celebrate at different times. The name comes from the Sanskrit word “Deepavali,” which means “line of lamps.” It’s the Festival of Lights, a celebration of the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.
The celebration lasts five or six days and often includes things like gift exchanges, festive meals, fireworks, and of course, lighting dipa lamps. In preparation for the holiday, it’s also common for people to clean their homes, try to pay off debts, and buy or make new clothes. These themes may present opportunities for those who wish to run Diwali PPC ads.
Thanksgiving (US)
Floating Holiday: Fourth Thursday in November
- November 23, 2023
- November 28, 2024
- November 27, 2025
- November 26, 2026
- November 25, 2027
- November 23, 2028
The American Thanksgiving holiday commemorates the harvest feast that English colonists and the Wampanoag people shared in 1621. It’s also a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest and good things that have happened in the past year. Families often travel to see one another, share a Turkey dinner, and watch football or engage in outdoor recreation activities.
Brands that run Thanksgiving PPC campaigns are most often those that provide goods or services that might be used in preparation for or during celebrations.
However, most tend to focus on what this day signifies: the official kickoff of holiday shopping. Most of the biggest spending days of the year fall within the final two months, so it’s quite common for brands across the globe to begin running their holiday PPC campaigns early in November and carry them through the end of the year.
Black Friday (International)
Floating Observance: Friday After American Thanksgiving
- November 24, 2023
- November 29, 2024
- November 28, 2025
- November 27, 2026
- November 26, 2027
- November 24, 2028
It’s often said that the term “Black Friday” is used because it’s the day retailers stop operating in the red and generate a profit. This isn’t true, according to Britannica. The moniker comes from Philadelphia police observing the chaos caused by a deluge of shoppers descending upon the city at once in the 1960s. Similar chaos is still seen today as shoppers flood stores to score deals, though much of it occurs online today. It’s the biggest shopping day of the year in the United States, and the concept has spread across the globe.
Brands typically begin running their Black Friday PPC ads in early November. Some continue Black Friday specials for a week or two after, while others change up their PPC ads to correspond with other special shipping days. “11 Proven Holiday PPC Campaign Tips to Boost Your Success” offers more insights and tips.
Small Business Saturday (International)
Floating Observance: Saturday After American Thanksgiving
- November 25, 2023
- November 30, 2024
- November 29, 2025
- November 28, 2026
- November 27, 2027
- November 25, 2028
Small Business Saturday is a day to celebrate and support small businesses. If you run Small Business Saturday PPC ads, try to enrich your audience and show them the impact of supporting your small business and share your story with them. The feel-good vibe they get from choosing your business can help ensure they remember you long after their holiday shopping concludes.
Cyber Monday (International)
Floating Observance: Monday After American Thanksgiving
- November 27, 2023
- December 2, 2024
- December 1, 2025
- November 30, 2026
- November 29, 2027
- November 27, 2028
Cyber Monday is one of the biggest shopping days in the United States, second only to Black Friday. It’s the biggest shopping day for online merchants. Popularity for the day has spread throughout the globe as well. Make sure you plan your Cyber Monday PPC campaigns well in advance and plan your budget accordingly for this very competitive day.
Giving Tuesday (International)
Floating Observance: Tuesday After American Thanksgiving
- November 28, 2023
- December 3, 2024
- December 2, 2025
- December 1, 2026
- November 30, 2027
- November 28, 2028
The final event in the string of Black Friday observances is Giving Tuesday. It’s a day that focuses on altruism and helping people in need, so people often give money to charities or donate their time. Brands running Giving Tuesday PPC campaigns often pledge a certain percentage of their sales to a specific cause or agree to match donations.
December Holidays & Observances
Winter officially kicks off in December and runs into March. Common PPC themes for December include religious holidays, gift-giving, and winter activities such as snow sports and staying cozy indoors. Family and togetherness, as well as travel to visit family, are also popular themes.
Month-Long Observances in December
- Month of Giving
- Universal Human Rights Month
Hanukkah/ Chanukah Starts (International)
Floating Holiday: 5th of Kislev on the Hebrew Calendar
- December 7, 2023
- December 25, 2024
- December 14, 2025
- December 4, 2026
- December 24, 2027
- December 12, 2028
Hanukkah is known as the Jewish Festival of Lights. It’s said that when the Jewish people reclaimed their temple in Jerusalem from the Syrian Greeks in 165 BCE, they wanted to purify it by burning ritual oil for eight days. Despite only having enough oil for one day, the supply miraculously lasted the entire eight days. Therefore, people of the Jewish faith celebrate Hanukkah for eight nights, lighting one candle on their menorah each night. It’s a time for families and sharing traditional foods, too. Hanukkah has not historically been a gift-giving holiday. However, that is changing more, and small gifts are often given throughout the holiday.
It’s somewhat uncommon to see Hanukkah PPC ads outside of products and services that people might use to prepare for or observe the holiday. However, many brands run non-denominational holiday-themed ads to ensure they’re more inclusive.
Free Shipping Day (International)
Floating Observance: Mid-December
- December 14, 2023
Shoppers have historically believed that anything purchased online after Cyber Monday would not arrive in time for the holidays. Free Shipping Day was created to remedy this and extend the shopping season. Retailers who participate in it offer free shipping with guaranteed arrival by Christmas. The date changes each year, though it’s typically held in mid-December.
If you run PPC ads for Free Shipping Day, ensure customers understand what it means and your guarantees. Be especially careful with geographic targeting, particularly if your shipping timeframes vary greatly due to serving a large area.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (International)
Fixed Holidays: December 24 & December 25
Keep running PPC ads on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. More than half of all people have waited until Christmas Eve to purchase a gift, and 39 percent have shopped on Christmas Day, per People magazine.
Kwanzaa (US)
Fixed Holiday: December 26 – January 1
The name “Kwanzaa” itself comes from the Kiswahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” meaning “first fruits [of the harvest].” It’s a seven-day African-American celebration of cultural heritage and traditional values. People often decorate their homes with signs of the harvest, such as straw mats and ears of corn. People set up a special candleholder called a kinara with red candles to represent ancestry and unity, black candles to represent the people, and green candles to represent the fertile land or Africa. A candle is lit each day. People engage in activities that celebrate their culture and exchange gifts.
Although it’s not as popular as some of the other holidays, it’s still observed by millions of Americans. Although anyone can run Kwanzaa PPC ads, this is an excellent opportunity for black-owned businesses to shine. If you fit this demographic, consider updating your Google Business page to include the “Black-Owned Business” attribute so people can easily find your business throughout the year.
Boxing Day (CA, UK)
Fixed Holiday: December 26
Boxing Day was traditionally a day to give to the poor or when the wealthy gave their servants gifts and allowed them to go home to visit their families. It later became a day for employers to give employees and tradespeople gifts or bonuses. These days, it’s one of the biggest shopping days in the United Kingdom, often compared to Black Friday in the United States. It’s also observed in parts of Canada, though the results aren’t always as big for retailers.
Those who run Boxing Day PPC ads tend to kick them off early and run them for about a week after the holiday.
New Year’s Eve (International)

Fixed Holiday: January 31
New Year’s Eve is marked with a night of celebrations, food, music, and dancing, though traditionalists who follow superstitions will sometimes spend the day cleaning to ensure that none of last year’s dirt comes into the new year and causes bad luck.
Most businesses don’t run PPC campaigns for New Year’s Eve, though it’s a good idea if your business helps people observe the holiday or prepare for it.
Get Help Planning Your Holiday PPC Campaigns
As you can see, there are lots of holidays to build your PPC campaigns around. Rather than running paid ads for every event, brands must be selective and conserve their budgets for the ones most likely to build their audiences and deliver ROI. Particularly if you’re considering running ads on a day of cultural or religious significance, it’s also essential to have someone on board who understands the true meaning of the observance and can convey your brand messaging with authenticity. If you’re unsure how to approach any of these things or need help with your PPC campaigns in general, request a complimentary consultation.